Tech for good is gathering momentum - the launch of ImpactVC
We’re delighted to see the launch of the ImpactVC community, led by our friends at Big Society Capital. Well over a hundred investors from across Europe have joined. It’s notable that it’s not just the new wave of impact firms that are part of the group. There are some big generalist VC brand names in there as well, signalling that this is something that they want to learn more about.
The ImpactVC community will provide a place for VC investors to meet, talk and learn about impact investing. There’s already an Impact Playbook and an online course covering impact investing basics and many more resources to come. Behind the scenes there’s a Slack community for members and I gather there will be a series of face-to-face events as well.
When we started BGV back in 2012, we spent a fair amount of time convincing other investors that tech for good investing had any chance of success. Fast forward a decade and things have really changed. Tech for good has grown from humble beginnings to consistently being in the mainstream of tech VC investing.
The rising popularity of tech for good investing doesn’t mean we’ll stop spending time continuing to build the movement. We’re committed to helping to grow ImpactVC and sharing what we’ve learned. With broader adoption comes new challenges such as impact washing and combining ethical approaches to investing with impact investing. So there’s plenty of work to do!
You can join ImpactVC here.