The State of WorkerTech
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The State of WorkerTech

Dama Sathianathan
Written by
Dama Sathianathan
Posted on
October 16, 2024

Eight years ago, we first partnered with the Resolution Foundation (RF) to find and invest in startups that improve the lives of workers on low pay or in insecure employment. Fast forward to 2024, and our vision for a fairer future of work remains the same, though we find ourselves in a very different landscape from when we first started investing in what we call ‘WorkerTech’ ventures.

Needless to say, the world of work is going through dramatic shifts with the onset of technological advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), rapid automation and globalisation. Many industries are still reeling from the repercussions of the global pandemic and economic downturn, which in turn also affected many investors, tech companies, and startup founders.

Now that our partnership with Resolution Ventures is coming to a close, we wanted to understand the funding landscape beyond our own respective funds. We therefore decided to take a broader look at the current state of WorkerTech in the UK. We scoured the numerous startup databases for comparable data into the state of WorkerTech, but current market definitions fail to capture the full scope.  

That’s why we set out to create a market map showcasing the myriad of WorkerTech ventures contributing to a fairer future of work for low- and middle-income Britain.

We’ve been extremely heartened by the sheer volume of founders wanting to use technology to improve workers’ prospects and powers - we identified 107 ventures and are eager to add any others we might have missed. We hope that this market map will leave you excited about the opportunities to invest in a world that enables everyone to have access to decent work and fair pay.

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